Wednesday, August 26, 2020

My screencastify scartch tutorial

I am learning about how to use scratch and how to teach someone else how to use scratch.

I found it easy to show someone how to use scratch and making the video so I can give my nolage to someone else.

I found it hard to think of what im going to do to teach someone if they watch the video.

Next time I will speak louder because I was a bit quiet so it may be hard to hear.


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Scratch commenting

I have no inscrutions for this, its a animation. This is a draft I have another acount I will remix it on that one and make it better. Im not bad at scratch but I think its a great platform. Click here to go to the scratch page if it doesn't work on my blog.

The Awapuni Fun Run

What I learnt about in my writing is I never add any adgectives or verds so my recount sounds boring.

I found it easy to publish to slides and change all the words into a cool font and change the colour so it would look pretty.

I found it challenging to remember everything we did on the day we had the amazing fun run and add to a sensible background for the title page.

Next time I will make my writing more discriptve and add make it more longer or describe how I was feeling about the fun run.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

My favourite time of day

What I learnt in my writing is a poem dosn't need to be 2 or 3 pages long.

 I found it easy to think of what my favourite time of day is for the poem.

I found it challenging to think of some good words that describe my favourite time of day.

Next time I will add more words to my poem to make it longer.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

My digital learning obgect

We were learning about how to use voice typing and reading a text for 1 minute and editing it. 

I found it easy to edit the mistakes that they vocie typing made.

I found it challenging to use the vocie typing because some times it didn't put anything in.

Next time I will choose a more easy text to read with voice typinhg so I can more words.